Local Emergency Planning Committee
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Armstrong County L.E.P.C. is to provide for the safety of the citizens of Armstrong County from the perils of Hazardous Materials. This is done through planning and education of the citizens and facility personnel, as well as coordination with the county emergency response personnel. The purpose and duty of the Committee is to fulfill the requirements and functions specified for local emergency planning committees under the Superfund Amendments Reclamation Act (SARA), Title III (Act 1990-165). These duties include:
• Preparing, approving, and reviewing (on an annual basis) an emergency response plan for each qualifying SARA, Title III facility in Armstrong County.
• Submitting initial copies of each emergency response plan to the Pennsylvania Emergency Response Commission for review.
• Publishing an annual notice of its public information procedures for use by the general public.
• Establishing procedures to receive, store, and retrieve materialsafety data sheets, chemical inventory forms, and all other applicable documents. Establishing procedures to respond to public requests for information.
• Take appropriate actions to ensure the implementation and updating of the local emergency response plan required by Act1990-165.
• Report to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council on alleged violations of Act 1990-165.
• Prepare reports, recommendations or other information related to the implementation of Act 1990-165, as requested by the council.
• Meet, when appropriate, with any Commonwealth agency or local regional agency for purposes described in Act 1990-165.
• Accept and deposit into the Armstrong County Hazardous Material Emergency Response Fund Account any grants, gifts, or other funds received which are intended for the purpose of carrying out this act.
• In an advisory capacity, the local emergency planning committee may perform other emergency management advisory duties as requested by county elected officials.
Public Meetings and Information
Regular meetings will be held on the second Thursday in the months of February, May, August, and November at 10:00 am in the Emergency Operations Center(EOC) of the Armstrong County Department of Public Safety building at 131 Armsdale Road Kittanning, PA 16201 and will be in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Sunshine Law.
The LEPC shall meet at the call of the Chairperson. A quorum of the Committee membership shall be present in order for the Committee to conduct business at the regular meeting. The quorum shall consist of twenty-five (25) percent of the Committee’s membership.